

  • Automate the process of focus bracketing with a digital camera
    • Focus bracketing is taking multiple photos of the same subject with different depths of focus
      • These can then be combined in software to create a single photo entirely in focus
    • Some cameras have this feature built in, but mine does not
  • Require no permanent modifications to the camera and be easily removable 

Focus Bracketing Example

Single photo; the background is out of focus
Digital combination of five photos taken with the FocusBracketer; the whole photo is in focus


  • Designed bracket to attach servo motor to camera, and 3D printed it
  • Created wheel for servo to turn the camera lens
    • Rubber grip is a length of audio cable glued to the wheel
  • Designed PCB in KiCad
    • Includes OLED screen and four buttons for the user interface
    • Has terminals to connect servo and camera shutter cables
    • Controlled by Seeduino XIAO microcontroller, programmed with Arduino framework
      • Chose this board because it can be soldered directly to the PCB, which keeps the device low profile 
      • Program allows user to set start point, end point, and number of steps
        • As start/end points are being set, the servo is jogged
  • Tested device by taking close-up photos of small objects


  • The device generally works well
    • Sometimes the servo does not travel to the right place after the endpoint is set
      • This could be because the wheel is slipping
      • Measuring the rotation of the camera lens and providing feedback to the microcontroller could fix this 
    • Is much more efficient than moving the lens manually, and results in more consistent images
  • The process was a good test of my PCB milling skills
    • This was the largest PCB I had made in a while

Chain Puller


  • Integrate fluorescent light fixture into smart home system
  • Device should work consistently


  • Tested pulling light chain with servo motor
    • Added spring to give the device more pulling power
    • Adjusted servo moving distance to pull the chain correctly
  • Modified lightbulb example from esp-homekit-sdk to control servo
    • Runs on ESP-32 development board
  • Added light state sensor
    • Compares two photoresistors to determine on/off state of fluorescent fixture
      • Two photoresistors allow the sensor to be accurate regardless of external light levels
    • Interfaced sensor with esp-homekit-sdk to display state of light in smart home app


  • Successful project- is used daily
  • Fails to fully pull the chain occasionally
    • Sensor allows this error to be noticed by the user so they can try again
    • Adjusting servo travel distance may help with this issue, or using a stronger actuator
  • Chain gets disconnected from servo arm sometimes, but it can be reattached
Appears in Apple’s Home app
One photoresistor faces the light, the other away

Bike Eye


  • Detect cars behind cyclist and alert them audibly and visually
  • Provide a cheaper alternative to cycling radars like Garmin Variaâ„¢


  • Tested an ultrasonic rangefinder, but its range was too limited
  • Decided to use an ESP32 camera board with a machine learning model to detect cars
    • Programmed in C++ using ESP-IDF
    • Code based off of TensorflowLite image classification and Espressif SD Card examples
    • Initial version of firmware only collects photographs and saves to SD card
    • Collected about 1100 images to train ML model
  • Case designed in Onshape, 3D printed in PLA
    • Velcro used to attach electronics
    • Powered by Li-ion battery

Future work

To complete this project, I will need to:

  • Add TensorflowLite model to firmware
  • Create alert system
    • Buzzer, if loud enough, or display mounted to handlebars
  • Expand case
    • I think a larger battery will be necessary
  • Road-test completed device and collect more photos for continued training
Bike Eye on my bike
Example image taken by Bike Eye
Bike Eye attached to my bike
Initial ultrasonic rangefinder prototype
ESP32 camera board, with Li-ion battery
Internal electronics attached to case front piece
Front and back pieces of enclosure
Completed Bike Eye case

PCB Probes


  • Connect quickly and effectively to PCB traces
  • Be cheap and easy to make
  • Allow in-circuit reprogramming of microcontrollers


  • Tested various designs for probes
    • Decided on clothespin because it pushes down on board
  • Designed PCB tip in KiCad, milled on CNC machine
  • Designed socket to make swapping probe tips easy, and aligner to keep probe centered
    • Socket and aligner 3D printed in PLA
    • Socket, aligner and magnets superglued to clothespin
  • Clothespins magnetically attracted to base, an extra toaster tray
  • PCB secured to base with double-sided tape


Quick change socket for probe tip
Powering circuit with probes

RGB Handlebars


  • Make cyclist more visible to cars by adding lights on the sides of the bike
    • Makes the shape of the bike more defined than if there were only lights on the front and back
  • Look cooler than a single color light
  • Have a long-lasting battery


  • Initial design used an RGB pattern LED in a long tube
    • Tube contains two AAA batteries to provide 3V to the LED
    • LED diffuser sticks out from handlebars to be more visible
      • Latched pushbutton underneath turns the light on/off
    • Electronics connected with thin magnet wire
  • Second design was more compact and customizable
    • Includes nickel-sized PCB with light circuit
      • PCB milled at home on CNC machine
      • ATTINY 45 microcontroller runs an RGB LED
        • Microcontroller programmed in C++ without Arduino framework
        • Custom light patterns can be added 
      • Pushbutton toggles light on/off and changes light pattern 
    • Powered by two coin cell batteries that together provide ~3V 
    • Case is 3D printed, with an unscrewable top for accessing the internal circuit


  • The first prototype was very reliable
    • Used for almost a year before the diffuser broke off
  • Second design was more fragile
    • If bike is leaned against a wall, the pushbutton is crushed 
  • Both designs are not bright enough to be seen during the day
    • Both designs are clearly visible at night
    • A higher power LED might be visible in the daytime, but would also draw more power
  • This project improved my skills significantly
    • I got better at milling PCBs by adjusting my workflow and finding better cutting tools 
    • I created the Clothespin PCB Probes in order to program the PCB, and they have been useful for other projects

UV Curer


  • Create a timer to control a UV light curing system for resin 3D prints


  • Circuit designed in KiCad
    • A monostable timer design based on a 555 chip
    • Timer is connected to a MOSFET to control UV LED strip
  • Design milled into single-sided copper clad board with an engraving bit
  • Through-hole and surface mount components soldered
  • Potentiometer, power supply, and curing enclosure connected
    • The potentiometer sets the relative duration of the timer, and the button is pressed to begin the cycle
    • When the timer runs out, the lights shut off
    • Curing enclosure is a strip of near-UV LEDs inside of a paint can


  • The timer circuit is perfect for my needs – I no longer overcure resin prints
  • Combining the electronics into a case would make system look cleaner
Similar PCB design in KiCad (the PCB I milled is v2.0)
PCB, with components added
The whole setup